Serving Del Norte County, California Since 1949

The Crescent Fire Protection District (CFPD) was formed in 1949 to serve the growing emergency service needs of unincorporated areas surrounding Crescent City. The District responds from 3 fire stations located in Crescent City and adjacent areas, providing services to a 26 square mile area, containing approximately 13,000 residents. From a roster of 50 members, local volunteer firefighters maintain a dedicated group committed to our safety and quality of life by responding to emergencies 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. CFPD has proven to be good stewards of public funds, making the best use of limited resources to provide essential supplies, personal protective equipment, apparatus and equipment maintenance, and training to support the volunteer firefighters who donate a great deal of their personal time to the department throughout the year.

Increased Demand and Budget Cuts Threaten Public Safety in Our Community

In the past five years, calls for emergency services and response has risen nearly 25% from an average of 1,500 calls to over 2,000 today. Funding revenues for the District have not kept pace to help address the increased call volume and help ensure our volunteer staff have up-to-date training and fire protection and emergency response service equipment they need to serve our community. Without an additional source of locally controlled revenue, CFPD would exhaust its limited reserve funds within a 2-3 period to protect local citizens, families and properties by maintaining the current level of fire protection and emergency response services our residents expect.

Local Funding to Address Emergency Services Needs

In order to address the need for additional funds, the CFPD Board has begun exploring a fire protection and emergency response services benefit assessment on all properties within the District to provide locally controlled funding to:

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